Thursday, October 22, 2015

at Bar Deraco

For the first review of the new season, I chose a place, in my hometown, that I know very well...

Bar Deraco, a well-known patisserie, ice-cream parlor and coffee-bar that owns an old tradition in its field.
It's a family run businness and there, competence and kindness are the surplus value that make this place one of the most favourite among people in Cittanova.

A long wooden bar-counter divided into different spot, coffee&co, ice-cream and bakery welcomes people, giving a large choice to please your day.
You can decide to taste your stuffs at the bar or to have a sit outside, where you can find a covered terrace with several seats and tables.

Simone, the barista, knows about my passion for Cappuccino and always, he delights me with a good drink and one of the homemade specialities that "the Deracos" offer to their customers.

Cappuccino is waited in a  white, classic-size cup, metal spoon, three different kinds of sugar and no-cocoa on the top: Criteria are completely satisfied.
Pattern is really simple and shows you how coffee, foam and milk are mixed.
Temperature is precise, foam is soft and durable, milk is creamy and properly heated, Espresso is strong and tasty.
A very good mix, the beverage has thick body and strenght, a caress for my papillas and not-at-all heavy for my stomach: the best way to start my day!
An outstanding Cappuccino!

Well, Bar Deraco is a place that deserves to be visited for the quality of its products and the homey atmosphere that the staff is able to spread.
Cappuccino is really good and exclusively Italian.
You will not regret!

Vote: ****
Price: Euro 1,20

Bar  Pasticceria  Deraco
Via Pierluigi Nervi no. 4
Cittanova (RC) 89022

Thursday, October 08, 2015

..a coffee gallery...

Here we are again, Cappuccino lovers...
Summer has gone and it's time of new reviews and a lot of Cappuccino!
In the last three months, I've posted (on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Path) several pictures of Cappuccino, Espresso, breakfast or coffee-break all made in Italy.
Now, I would like to begin a new season of reviews and I want to introduce it with a small gallery of pictures relating to "coffee-experiences"  I had in my Italian period.

He was my cream, and I was his coffee -
And when you poured us together, it was something.
~Josephine Baker

Classic Cappuccino

Déjà Brew: The feeling that you've had this coffee before. 
~Author Unknown


I orchestrate my mornings to the tune of coffee. 
~Terri Guillemets

1. Espresso macchiato and fig's mignon; 2. Espresso macchiato and Cat's tongue;
 3. Espresso and peach's mignon; 4. Espresso and muffin

Be a coffee-drinking individual — espresso yourself! 
~Author Unknown

Classic Cappuccino

A yawn is a silent scream for coffee. 
~Author Unknown

Espresso macchiato and mini fruit tart

I just realized I’m not a morning person — I’m a coffee person. 
~Author Unknown

Classic Cappuccino

Coffee is a language in itself.

I hope you enjoyed this gallery, you can find more pictures on Instagram, Fb, Twitter and Path...
Feel free to text me for suggestions, critics and comments.
Soon, new reviews...stay tuned!

Instagram: @ilcappuccino021
Facebook: ilCappuccino021
Twitter: @ilCappuccino021
Path: ilCappuccino021