Tuesday, February 10, 2015

at Monolog Quality Coffee Co.

So, have you missed me!?!?
Cappuccino lovers never sleep and, after a week of silence, here I am...

Monolog, the open space coffee shop.

Wood flooring, red brick walls, music and minimal design whet my longing to visit this place.
Two different counters, the first one is to satisfy sweet tooth and the other, is reserved to coffee machine.
Lists are full of coffee based drinks and several choices of food and all-day-breakfast.

Well-known place, full of people, smiling and professional staff.
I ordered my Cappuccino while sitting at a round wooden table in this open space hall...no closing doors, you are in and out at the same time!

Presentation and modality satisfied all the Criteria:
Classical white cup, metal spoon, two different kinds of sugar and no-cocoa on the top.
Pattern is nice and simple.
Temperature is swell, foam is the result of the right way to heat up milk, Espresso is intense and the mixture makes Cappuccino creamy and tasty until the last sip.
The final pleasure: foam remains in the cup, I gather it with spoon and...I'm highly satisfied!

The fame of Monolog is justified: the place is really enjoyable, besides quality and competence.
I felt very relaxed and pleased by the easy atmosphere and airy feeling that open space gives to sight.

Monolog...and play safe!

Vote: ****
Price: IDR 30k

Monolog  Quality  Coffee  Co.
Plaza Senayan, Palm Gate Entrance Unit CP 101 B
Jl. Asia Africa no. 8
Jakarta Pusat 10270


  1. Did Monolog cappuccino as good as Treeangelo?

    1. Hi PenyMikael! It's a good one, as in Treeangelo...and I like the location too.
