A wooden partition containing clay pots divides the hall in two part, one reserved to the restaurant and the other to the cafè.
A dim light ambient, likable design items as bookcase, floor lamps, big glass containers with plants surround couches and armchairs beside little round tables.
Behind the sofas, there's a little pool with flowing water and its sound is so relaxing...Cappuccino is just what I want now!
While I'm sitting on a sofa, one of the kind waiters comes to take the order and after some minutes I'm ready to enjoy my beloved drink.
In 127 Cafe, Cappuccino is served in a classic dark cup, metal spoon, two different kinds of sugar, no-cocoa and, to please the customers, a cookies.
Criteria are satisfied!
Pattern is complex and well-done.
Temperature is good, milk is creamy and foam is rich...Cappuccino has thick body and strenght.
The only criticism is about Espresso: it's waterly and I can't taste it while I sip the beverage, a stronger one would make this Cappuccino really excellent.
In conclusion, I recommend to visit 127 Cafe: it's an enjoyable place, quiet and elegant.
There, everything is well-thought and the effect is really pleasant and soothing.
Interesting Cappuccino experience.
Visit it!
Vote: ***
Price: 40 IDR
127 Cafe
Kosenda Hotel
Jl. KH Wahid Hasyim no. 127
Jakarta Pusat 10240
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